Green Kitchen's Vegetable Tagine

Sunday, February 3, 2019

A few simple secrets to a successful tagine.
1. Always balance the sweet (apricots, raisins and cinnamon) with the spicy (harissa or chili).
2. Think big. No need for fine chopping, use large chunks of vegetables. Looks better, tastes better.
3. Don’t stress it. Let the vegetables sweat for a long time on low heat under a lid.
4. No peeking. If you lift the lid the steam will vanish. If you however have to lift the lid, make sure that the vapor under it drips back into the pot.
5. Stir carefully. After a while the vegetables will be very tender and you don’t want to crush them.
Moroccan Vegetable Tagine
Serves 4 people 
You can use almost any kind of vegetables in this stew, it’s perfect for emptying the fridge.
3 tbsp olive oil
1 large onion, roughly chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 inch fresh ginger, minced (or 1 tsp grounded)

1-2 tbsp grounded cinnamon 
1 tsp cumin

2-3 tsp harissa paste (or dried harissa)
2 cups canned chopped tomatoes
1 lemon, juice and zest

a handful fresh cilantro1 small pumpkin, peeled and cut into 2-inch pieces1 sweet potato, peeled and cut into 2-inch pieces
3 carrots, peeled and cut into 2-inch pieces
1 zucchini, cut into 2-inch pieces10 dried apricots1/2 cup chickpeas/garbanzo beans, pre boileda handful raisins
Serve with: white quinoa or couscous, roasted almonds, fresh cilantro and fresh mint
In a clay pot: Heat olive oil in a large clay pot and sauté the onion for a few minutes until it softens. Add garlic, ginger and the spices and stir around before adding harissa, tomatoes, lemon juice and fresh cilantro, Bring the tomato sauce to a boil and then lower the heat.
Add pumpkin, carrots, sweet potato, zucchini and apricots. Stir around, make sure that all vegetables are somewhat covered in tomato sauce. Put the lid on and simmer for about an hour. Stir carefully once or twice, otherwise leave the lid on.
In a tagine: Prepare the tomato sauce according to the instructions above. Transfer it to the tagine. Add the vegetables, attach the lid and put in the oven on low temperature for at least an hour. When the vegetables feel tender, add chickpeas and raisins and let everything simmer for 5 minutes before removing it from the oven.
Serve the tagine in bowls together with cooked quinoa. Sprinkle with almonds, lemon zest and fresh spices.

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