Thursday, November 19, 2020

Eggs, The universal comfort food. Evoking memories of comfort, home and mother’s warmth. Eggs cooked any way, in any culture are reminiscent of these nurturing memories that take us to a safe place. Whether you are in Italy, Spain, France or the UK– every cuisine adds it flavour to make the experience a personal one, either steeped in heritage of ingredients, freshness of produce or aromas of a land.

 To me the aromas of my homeland Pakistan and my mother’s Sunday morning breakfast is encapsulated in the essence of Khagina. Eggs brought to life by the infusion of earthy cumin and garlic into ghee (clarified butter) with a quick whisk of the freshness of coriander and tomatoes and lastly a real Pakistani kick of green chills…The key to perfection is to not burn the garlic or cumin  – to gently release the right pungency to the oil before adding the eggs. Once the eggs are added, retain the freshness of raw ingredients.  Khagina is a Pakistani celebration of fast nutritious food, with an inexpensive injection of protein in the diet of a large family, yet keeping freshness and flavour alive together with seasonal produce.


  • 2 tsp ghee – or substitute with 1 tbsp butter and 1 tsp vegetable oil
  • 1 tsp cumin seeds
  • 1 garlic clove, finely chopped
  • 3 eggs
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 tbsp chopped coriander leaves
  • 6-7 cherry tomatoes, chopped
  • 2 green chillis, finely chopped
  • Freshly ground pepper


1. Whisk the eggs with tomatoes, coriander and green chillis

2. In a frying pan, heat the ghee or butter and oil and once hot, add the cumin until it splutters.

3. Next add the garlic and allow it to get lightly browned. Now add the egg mixture and scramble until done.

4. Serve immediately with a freshly ground black pepper

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