Thursday, April 23, 2020

April 23, 2020 / Day 

Lunch Menu 

Chicken with Artichokes, Green Olives, White wine and herbs. 
Stir Fried Carrots With Mediterranean Spices
Broccoli Quick Stir Fry
Left-Over Brown Rice with Cumin & Raisins

Chicken with Artichokes, Green Olives, White wine and herbs. 

Carrots With Mediterranean Spices

  • Mixed sliced carrot with Olive Oil, Garlic Powder, Salt and Chili Flakes
  • You can either bake in oven or lay them flat on hot Iron Skillet. 
  • Cook until crispy on one side. Turn and quick a bit more. Keep it so that it has a little bite. Do not overcook.

Broccoli Quick Stir Fry

  • Rinse Broccoli head
  • Cut the Broccoli in florets
  • Put the florets in microwave safe pan. Sprinkle a bit of water
  • Microwave for 30 seconds. Additional 30 seconds if the broccoli is too raw.
  • Add olive oil to hot pan
  • Add broccoli and stir fry until they brown a bit - do not BURN!
  • Sprinkle with salt
  • Note: If making broccoli only - add slices of garlic and then broccoli and sprinkle of salt and red pepper flakes.

Left-Over Brown Rice Stir Fry

This is good with cold leftover rice. Fresh rice might be gummy or you can use it after it has cooled down completely. 

  • Heat oil in pan;
  • Add the brown rice;
  • Stir fry until heated; 
  • Push aside a bit of rice to the side of the pan;
  • Add a tsp. of oil and add some raisins. Fry until they puff up. 
  • Mix it with rice. 
  • Sprinkle cumin powder; salt and mix before serving. 

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