
Thursday, October 13, 2011

About 10 years ago I bought 100 scilla sibirica, 50 tommy crocuses, and 50 chionodoxia, tossed them out into my part-shade yard, and planted them wherever they landed. It was easy; I just stuck a trowel in vertically, pulled it back, stuffed a bulb in the hole and pushed the hole shut with the heel of my hand.
The crocuses got eaten by squirrels pretty fast, but the rest have prospered, and my husband loves that I wont let him mow until they have faded, usually in mid-April. The sapphire-colored scilla are especially nice, set off by half as many white chionodoxia. Pushkinia might work too, but they bloom later in my beds than I would want to leave the lawn unmowed for.

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